简介:西安联诚轨道交通科技有限公司成立于2013年4月,是集铁路产品研发、设计、生产、销售、服务、铁路工程总承包、设备集成、以及铁路运营维保为一体的高新技术企业。 2016年公司成立了越南合资公司,建立了铁路设备实训基地和检修车间,实现了铁路产品的本土化生产,为越南及周边国家提供专业的铁路产品以及维保、咨询、培训等服务。 公司业务遍布全国18个铁路局(公司)及海外市场,多个地区城轨与地方铁路以及塞尔维亚、尼日利亚、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、安哥拉、吉布提、巴基斯坦、越南、伊朗、蒙古等多个海外国家,产品已广泛应用于国内外的重要轨道线路,涵盖高速铁路、普速铁路、城市轨道交通、地方铁路等领域。 Company Profile Xi'an Liancheng Rail Transit Science and Technology Co., Ltd., founded in April 2013, is a high-tech enterprise specialized in railway product research and development, designing, manufacturing, sales, service,railway EPC project, system integration, railway operation maintenance and etc . In 2016, the company established a Joint Venture in Vietnam, and set up a training base and maintenance workshop there, which realized the localized production of railway product and provided professional railway products, maintenance, consulting and training services for Vietnam and surrounding countries. The company's business covers 18 railway bureaus (companies), many regional and local railways of China, as well as Serbia, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola, Djibouti, Pakistan, Vietnam, Iran, Mongolia and other overseas countries. the products has been widely used in important domestic and foreign rail lines, including high-speed railway, general-speed railway, urban rail transit, local railways and etc.
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