Job responsibilities岗位职责:1.教授2岁半到8岁儿童学习英语,全英文授课保证教学质量 To teach two and half years old up to 8 children to learn English Be able to give a full- English lesson and guarantee the quality of instructions;3.能够在外教课题中担任助教工作; Be able to assist foreign teachers in performing a lesson;4.协助体验课、学员试课、学员续约和市场活动; Be able to assist with demos, students renewal, market activities, etc.5.与家长沟通学员学习情况,为家长提供优良的教学售后服务; Be able to communicate with parents about the kids and provide a first-class service for them;6.从学员到中心以后直至交付到家长手中的学员人身安全和照顾; Taking care of all the kids and making sure their safety during their stay in school;7.负责每个学员学习效果和教学质量,提高家长和学员满意度; Be responsible for each kid’s learning effectiveness and improving the satisfaction of parents;8.与课程顾问团队紧密合作,通过优秀的服务品质建立家长口碑; In close cooperation with Course consultants’ department, establish a good reputation by providing an excellent service;9.协助和参与并且通过中心、总部提供的相关在职培训,不断提高自身的职业素养和教学水平; Improving self career cultivation and teaching level through assisting on-the-job training provided by the headquarters;10.代表公司品牌形象,以始终维护企鹅家族英语的品牌美誉度和客户服务品质为己任; Presenting the image of company, taking as own responsibility of always maintaining a good Pingu’s English reputation and a high quality customer service;Job Requirements任职要求:1.本科或以上学历(英语专业、教育专业),有相关工作经验或海外留学经验者优先; Bachelor degree or above (English, Education) ,relevant work experience or study abroad has priority;2.发音标准、口语流利,较强的读写能力; Standard pronunciation, fluent oral English and strong literacy3.喜欢孩子,热爱英语教育事业,愿意在教育行业内发展; Love children and English educational career;4.性格开朗热情,活泼大方; Lively and cheerful personality, warm and generous5.对中西方教学体系和教学方法的差异有所认识,乐于接受全新的教学模式; Understand the difference of teaching systems and methods between Chinese and western and be willing to accept new teaching modes;6.有相关儿童英文教学经验者优先; Relevant English teaching experience has priority;

