Job Title: Information Security Analyst-Senior I
Work Location:
CN (Guangzhou, Shanghai)
FedEx Information Security (InfoSec) ensures the security of the enterprise systems and data, through business agility, system reliability, and information security controls to enable the business to deliver the Purple Promise. The Global InfoSec team strives to protect the enterprise from cyber threats, secure business operations, and ensure global regulatory compliance.
APAC (Asia Region) Information Technology (IT) InfoSec team is responsible for developing regional specific security patterns and secure Enterprise services that will be hosted locally to meet regulation requirements and liaise between the business, IT, and regulatory authorities to help both parties understand security nuances and compliance requirements. The team will also work with internal customers and the global InfoSec team to improve availability of infosec services for the AMEA region.
Job Descriptions:
The roles and responsibility have been described as follows:
Key Responsibilities
● Lead compliance implementation and tracking to meet regulatory / governance requirements.
● Work with International/AMEA/ InfoSec/Legal/IT to align on solutions
Work Location:
CN (Guangzhou, Shanghai)
FedEx Information Security (InfoSec) ensures the security of the enterprise systems and data, through business agility, system reliability, and information security controls to enable the business to deliver the Purple Promise. The Global InfoSec team strives to protect the enterprise from cyber threats, secure business operations, and ensure global regulatory compliance.
APAC (Asia Region) Information Technology (IT) InfoSec team is responsible for developing regional specific security patterns and secure Enterprise services that will be hosted locally to meet regulation requirements and liaise between the business, IT, and regulatory authorities to help both parties understand security nuances and compliance requirements. The team will also work with internal customers and the global InfoSec team to improve availability of infosec services for the AMEA region.
Job Descriptions:
The roles and responsibility have been described as follows:
Key Responsibilities
● Lead compliance implementation and tracking to meet regulatory / governance requirements.
● Work with International/AMEA/ InfoSec/Legal/IT to align on solutions
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